Staffing : A Fading Management Theory Treasure


  • Fred A. Ware Jr. Valdosta State University


regional university, case, historic accreditation-driven, pedagogical perspective


A senior professor of management (in age and tenure) at a large, regional university is observed reflecting on the evolution of his academic discipline and voicing concern that important fundamentals appear to be dropping out of textbooks and business school curricula. He places some of the blame on unanticipated consequences of
business schools' actions in the past while complying with international accreditation standards. The case is appropriate in undergraduate or graduate introductory management courses to provide the student a glimpse into the "real world" of
teaching this academic subject and to gain understanding that while the discipline is constantly morphing and expanding to include more topics, basics may remain as foundations rather than becoming obsolete. Alert beginning students should learn to expect and ask for much more than behavioral science education in the management discipline despite the historic accreditation-driven focus on that segment. Between the lines, management academicians will find an issue beyond classroom interest but well worth examining from a pedagogical perspective. Hence, the case could be utilized in educational administrative courses or training sessions.





