The Indian Lake Animal Shelter



management, record keeping, animal shelter


The Indian Lake Animal Shelter consists of a 3500 square foot facility containing 20 pens for small animals such as dogs and cats. Larger animals such as livestock are boarded under contract at a local veterinarian. There is an office for the director, a reception area where incoming animals are processed, and a vets examination area. The animal shelter is currently experiencing problems with overcrowding and disease control. A veterinarian has recently diagnosed an outbreak of kennel cough, a common infectious upper respiratory disease in dogs. Kennel cough is not caused by poor care or filthy housing. Similar to disease in children at day care or at school, the large number of individuals coming together increases the chance for outbreaks. Shelter management hopes to alleviate the overcrowding by increasing the efficiency of their pet adoption procedures. The county council has recently designated funds to be used for upgrading the technology infrastructure of all county agencies. As a result, the Indian Lake shelter has engaged a consultant to design a database for automating their records and adoption procedures which are currently maintained in a spreadsheet or on paper files.





